On page 65 of 122 (ironically titled Pillar 4: Operational Excellence) of the IPCs Annual Report 2019 / 2020 the user satisfaction stats are very disturbing
Customer Survey I was satisfed with the outcome 58% (46% 2018 / 2019)
A serious question arises from these statistics as not everyone making a complaint to the IPC is invited to participate in the customer satisfaction survey.There is the serious risk that these statistics lack integrity & “flatter” the performance of the commission.
These statistics allegedly support the authors allegation that the Information Commission is a fraud being perpetrated on the public.
The IPC has oversight of government agencies GIPA Act activities and is supposed to protect the publics GIPA Act rights from systemic & misconduct abuses.
The author will provide evidence to allege serious misconduct / nonfeasance / misfeasance by Information Commissioner Tydd and her senior officers including Sonia Minutillo which frequently & systemically
- fails to protect the public’s GIPA Act rights
- fails the statutory obligation to promote the object of the GIPA Act
- effectively institutionalizes misconduct (possibly even corrupt conduct) in the government’s GIPA Act functions.
For example,IPC officers reviewing complaints are generally non-legally qualified officers who are making interpretations & application of the GIPA Act laws.At least one of those officers has been a former information officer at a major agency which raises possible conflict of interest concerns.Also,the use of “junior” officers to review decisions by ministers & very senior agency officers is quite inappropriate,especially when Tydd refuses the right of review of those junior officers.
The author will provide evidence to support the allegations of serious misconduct / nonfeasance / misfeasance being perpetrated by Tydd which raises serious doubts about the impartiality & effectiveness of the IPC.
The Information Commissioner,Elizabeth Tydd is alleged to sytematically breach her statutory obligations to :
promote Open Government
protect the publics freedom of information rights (FOI / GIPA)
promote the publics understanding of FOI/GIPA rights
ensure that agency officers uphold their statutory obligations to promote the FOI / GIPA rights
It is the authors opinion that Elizabeth Tydd,Information Commissioner,Open Government advocate is complicit / systematically protects NSW agency officers who perpetrate offences & misconduct under the information Act & contrary to their considerable conduct obligations at the expense of the public’s legal rights
The conduct of Elizabeth Tydd,Information Commissioner will be alleged to constitute either
blatant nonfeasance
or what could constitute corrupt conduct
Evidence from:
- Freedom of Information applications (GIPA access applications)
- NCAT proceedings
- Other documents
will be posted to support these allegations of corruption.